
Showing posts from August, 2011

How to Avoid Creating Rage-Filled People.

Recently, I've been consumed by an uncontrollable rage.  It's peculiar because I'm a laid back and super easy person to get along with, like super...easy.   I'm not really sure where it's coming from.  I try to give every one the utmost respect and  maybe get some back.  In actuality I don't really expect it in return, because I have incredibly low self-esteem and don't believe I deserve respect, but hey, that's my issue. I don't know, maybe it's karma?  Am I getting what I deserve because I used to drink in high school and steal candy from the grocery store?  (My friends made me do it, seriously).  Or maybe it's because I hit that pregnant lady with my car during my first senior year of college? Maybe I'm mean spirited person?  I thought for the most part, I kept that in check by keeping my sociopathic and insensitive thoughts in my head and only saying them out loud to my best friend ...