How Blackberry Ruined My Friendship...But Then Saved It

The Blackberry Outage of the Century. I will never forget the day. It was October 12th, 2011. It started like any other weekday. I headed into work, checked my Outlook,,,,, and proceeded to BBM my best friend who lives 3,000 miles away. Daily BBM is our ritual. Every single day, all day from the time I get up until the time she goes to bed. We chat about all the important topics and issues; TV shows from the previous night, celebrity tweets, and when she is officially going to ask me to be the Godmother of her soon to be newborn baby boy. The day started out with the typical BBMs, "90210 has not been doing it for me this season." Kristen said. I replied, "Yeah, not for me either, but OMG, how about the ending of The Ringer? Those last 30 seconds, every week, they get me every week.” For some reason, maybe it was the three cups of coffee I had, but I ...