
Showing posts from July, 2012

"You Have Nice Veins"

This life story is why I hate going to doctors. It’s not a crippling, debilitating fear, but it’s one that if there is something wrong with me I would just like my insides or immune system to do their job with no outside third party help. I woke up Friday morning and felt my foot was asleep, I thought whatevs, I’ll get out of bed and walk around on it and do that weird laughing thing I always do when I step down on a foot that fell alseep. I turned myself to sit up on the side of my bed, got up, took a step with my left foot and went to do the same with my right. That’s when I noticed there was something wrong. When I went to take that first step my leg moved, but my foot did not, at all. It dragged behind me like an extra body part just coming along for a ride. I laughed like I had planned to do since I had opened my pretty brown eyes and thought “wow my foot is super asleep.” I took another step with my left foot and wanted to do the same with my right, again, just dragging behind ...

Oh Look, There's That Silver Lining...

I’ve been a pretty optimistic person until I reached age six. I'm kidding, I was always a pretty optimistic person until I met pessimistic in my early 20s. That’s when it became "woe is me", and "there’s obviously a conspiracy going on to take me down and ruin my life." I then started to realize every bad thing that happens to you, you can find a silver, possibly gray, more likely dull gray lining, it may be miniscule, but it’ll be there. Here are some of the examples in my own life (some may be true, some may not be, call it artistic integrity) Bad thing:  Eating a steak sandwich followed by 16 hot wings in one sitting. Silver lining: I washed it all down with water and for dessert I ate the carrot and celery sticks provided. Bad thing: I noticed the contour of my collar bone depleting, and everything from my boobs down growing. Bad thing: Thinking people care about what I have to say. Silver lining: People actually care about what I have to say. Bad ...

I Don't Know What to Write

I don’t know what to write. I’m sitting here in a, for the first time in three and a half weeks clean room. My bed is made, my clothes are clean, folded, and put away. My TV is shockingly turned off and I have my playlist of 178 songs playing on the surround sound. Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Addicted’ is playing right now. I love this song, it may be my favorite Clarkson song. I’m really hoping as I’m typing these words right now something will come to me that is entertaining and intellectually stimulating to not only me, but to you, who I am grateful to for reading this sentence as we speak. My mother called me yesterday and left a voicemail yelling at me for something and told me to call her back. Calling her back would have been insane, correct? Like why would anyone call someone back knowing they would be yelled at? If I had told you I was going to call her back and expect to have a lovely conversation after she yelled at me for 34 seconds in that 58 second voicemail you would have though...

Things That Concern Me: July 5th, 2012: Proper Use of the Acronym LOL

I told a friend of mine I was going to write a post about the usage of lol and it went like this: Before I start, let me stress the fact that I, in no way am discrediting lol, nor do I not condone the lol. I just believe that we should be using lol in the appropriate circumstances.  I also want to stress that I am not above using lol in the incorrect way. I just feel there is a lack of lol education and I believe we all should be informed and aware of this. Just like every year when we forget that Christmas isn't about the presents, or the lights, or getting belligerently drunk; it's about the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, somewhere along the line we’ve forgotten the true meaning of lol.  It means laugh out loud for those of you who actually don’t know what it means (if you didn’t know, please stop reading my blog and delete me from your life).  Lol is one of those ancient text/chat acronyms tha...