"You Have Nice Veins"
This life story is why I hate going to doctors. It’s not a crippling, debilitating fear, but it’s one that if there is something wrong with me I would just like my insides or immune system to do their job with no outside third party help. I woke up Friday morning and felt my foot was asleep, I thought whatevs, I’ll get out of bed and walk around on it and do that weird laughing thing I always do when I step down on a foot that fell alseep. I turned myself to sit up on the side of my bed, got up, took a step with my left foot and went to do the same with my right. That’s when I noticed there was something wrong. When I went to take that first step my leg moved, but my foot did not, at all. It dragged behind me like an extra body part just coming along for a ride. I laughed like I had planned to do since I had opened my pretty brown eyes and thought “wow my foot is super asleep.” I took another step with my left foot and wanted to do the same with my right, again, just dragging behind ...