
Showing posts from May, 2013

Things That Concern Me: May 28th, 2013: I'm Really Good At...

...making horrible decisions. I had this epiphany while walking out of work today.  We all make horrible decisions and we have since we were little, but I believe I started making horrible decisions more consciously and consistently once I turned 21. Over the past six years or so, every decision I've made has been horrible. With every rule though, there is an exception. I have to give myself credit where credit is due though. In these past six years I have made some good decisions, like moving out to LA, not posting the picture of my mother and six year old me in authenic Dutch garb while vacationing in Holland (soon, guys, soon) and the time in Vegas when my Visa was shut off and I didn't call that night to have it reactivated. Also, I haven't been offered drugs in a while, but I'm assuming if I had, I would've said no. Other than that, every decision I've made has been horrid. Let me show you.  Horrible Decision Example #1 Right now. I have a New Girl s...

Guest Post: My Eulogy

Since I haven't written anything on here in like two years, and nothing in my mind is worth being documented for the rest of eternity...please enjoy this guest post from my friend Amy, or as many of you know her by her rave name TheAmyMCR. I wrote her a dark, a little twisted, slightly belivable eulogy at her request that she posted on her blog, and in turn she wrote me one back. I never found a good time to post it because people in the world kept dying so it seemed to be morbid and disrespectful for me to get a eulogy while I was still alive. Almost like a millionaire winning the lottery. Luckily I have shut myself off from the outside world for a little bit and it seems to me that nobody has died in the last 48-72 hours. (If somone has, DON'T tell me! NO SPOILERS!) At the end of this if you ask yourself "Why is Chandra friends with her?" My only response would be "What came first? The chicken or the egg?" Enjoy. Chandra's Eulogy (Stumble on...