This Title is my Biggest Strength and Greatest Weakness
I just want to put it out into the ether that there’s something about Macaulay Culkin that draws me to him. I have this theory that on each of our social media platforms, 5-8% of your friends, followers, mortal enemies, etc. see/read/watch what we post. And ohhhhhhhhh boy… if you’re one of those “he was so well liked, he had SO many friends and people who loved him” people that ends up murdered and on a riveting Dateline episo—wait. My bad. I mean… and if you’re one of those very well liked and everybody loves you people, I bump it up to 10-12%. I’ll be honest. I don’t know if this is actually MY theory, or if I read it somewhere or if it’s a spin-off of that “you only use 10% of the clothing in your closet” statistic. Lately I’ve been making up statistics that sound logical. Yesterday I told a friend that 3% of the world’s population are murderers. See? Sounds logical, but DO YOUR RESEARCH! Make sure what you read and share comes from a reputable source and not from a girl who...