Letters to Lindsay # 5

Lindsay Lohan Lynwood Correctional Facility 11705 S Alameda Ave Lynwood, CA 90262 Hey Linnerator! How are you!? This will be short but sweet. I worked over 12 hours today...there is no reason for the sky to look like this when I get out of work: Do you have any good views from where you are staying? I have no idea what is going on in the celebrity world, I haven't checked my twitter since 9 this morning, I'm starting to shake. And I was in a vault the whole time, so I COMPLETELY know how you are feeling... But I did score this: An Outback VIP Card. 2.50 domestic drafts 3.00 gold coast ritas 5.00 patron magaritas 5.00 premium martinis (I'm sorry I didn't m...