Letters to Lindsay #4
Hey-ohh Jailbird Lindo,
Whats up??? How's it going today? I have written 3 letters to you so far and have got none in return. I mean I'm not angry I just don't see what else you are doing with your time. It would be nice to acknowledge the fans you still have. I also heard from a VERY reliable source that you aren't allowed anymore family visits this week, so clearly there's a wide open gap to grab a pen and paper and jot down a few things. It can be one line or even a haiku..I love haikus!
Anyway on my part, today has had it's share of ups and downs. It started out pretty well. For the past two days I've been trying this new thing where I get up earlier than 20 minutes before I'm supposed to be in work. I have a cup of joe and relax on my futon-o-fun. Here is me this morning around 7:23 AM:
So what's been going on with you? The guards treating you alright? I hear your fellow inmates are getting a little sick of you. Well you know what I say to that? Kill them with kindness Lohanny!
I actually have a tiny bit of a favor to ask. I hear that when in prison you can take classes and such so when you get out you can be a successful member of society. Are you doing that? Perhaps taking a business class or getting your GED? Anyway to the favor. They wouldn't happen to have a knitting class would they? If so I was wondering if you could take it and crochet a sweater for my friend's mom. It would be awesome if you could stitch her name in it too, you know really let her know you did this for her. Her name is Kar Marrone, and to put it simply...this woman is the tits! Don't worry about getting a rush on it though because she won't be needing it for a while due to the east coast getting pounded by heat. End of September, beginning of October would be swell.
You probably haven't heard but Amanda Bynes died. JUST KIDDING. But she totally unretired from acting. Let me set this up for you, she retired at 24, and unretired a month later. She should have just said "I'm taking a leave of absence from acting." Gosh the chick is such a doucher.
What else? What else? Oh the world has reason to believe that Angelina Jolie has gotten a twitter. Her name is @AngelinaJolie..pretty freakin original right?
Alright well I should be going now. Hope everything is superb You keep on trucking in there buddy! Don't let the man bring you down. And please...write back soon!!! I miss you.
Truly Always,
p.s. "get in loser...we're going shopping."
Whats up??? How's it going today? I have written 3 letters to you so far and have got none in return. I mean I'm not angry I just don't see what else you are doing with your time. It would be nice to acknowledge the fans you still have. I also heard from a VERY reliable source that you aren't allowed anymore family visits this week, so clearly there's a wide open gap to grab a pen and paper and jot down a few things. It can be one line or even a haiku..I love haikus!
Anyway on my part, today has had it's share of ups and downs. It started out pretty well. For the past two days I've been trying this new thing where I get up earlier than 20 minutes before I'm supposed to be in work. I have a cup of joe and relax on my futon-o-fun. Here is me this morning around 7:23 AM:
I don't know if you notice but the shirt I am wearing is the EXACT same shirt that Britney has! I bought it at Forever 21 in like March and there was a pic of her wearing it in US Weekly about a month ago. I knew me and Britney were destined to be friends. I am still however upset that she cheated on Justin Timberlake. Things may have been a lot different if she hadn't. For example you may not be in the pickle you are in today. Oh by the way I was SURROUNDED by drugs yesterday, name it, it was there, weed, coke, meth, ecstasy, even a water bottle filled with GHB. You would have been in PARADISE!!!
I was really excited about lunch today because I decided to get taco bell. The wonderfully delish cheesy gordita crunch, the pepper jack sauce is to die for! What did you eat today?
After I purchased this though that is when my day took a turn. I went to park in my carport spot at my apartment and BAM, I hit the post, I was literally going under 0 MPH, but it sractched the front pretty good. At first I thought I busted my headlight, luckily I didn't.
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poor walter :( |
I actually have a tiny bit of a favor to ask. I hear that when in prison you can take classes and such so when you get out you can be a successful member of society. Are you doing that? Perhaps taking a business class or getting your GED? Anyway to the favor. They wouldn't happen to have a knitting class would they? If so I was wondering if you could take it and crochet a sweater for my friend's mom. It would be awesome if you could stitch her name in it too, you know really let her know you did this for her. Her name is Kar Marrone, and to put it simply...this woman is the tits! Don't worry about getting a rush on it though because she won't be needing it for a while due to the east coast getting pounded by heat. End of September, beginning of October would be swell.
You probably haven't heard but Amanda Bynes died. JUST KIDDING. But she totally unretired from acting. Let me set this up for you, she retired at 24, and unretired a month later. She should have just said "I'm taking a leave of absence from acting." Gosh the chick is such a doucher.
What else? What else? Oh the world has reason to believe that Angelina Jolie has gotten a twitter. Her name is @AngelinaJolie..pretty freakin original right?
I brought this banana in for a snack today. It was completely yellow this morning. It was in my purse for about 4 hours and it turned this brown color. I guess bananas don't do well in dark places.
Alright well I should be going now. Hope everything is superb You keep on trucking in there buddy! Don't let the man bring you down. And please...write back soon!!! I miss you.
Truly Always,
p.s. "get in loser...we're going shopping."
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