Oh Snap Political Post...

Lady Gaga or as my dear friend Chelsea calls her Lady GuhGuh did it again last night at the VMAs. Every award show she attends always makes me contemplate whether she is art or a psycho and not from this planet. While that is not the point of this post, this is the point of it: When she won and came up on stage wearing the above number and me not being that savvy in fashion (you all know I’m and overalls and flannel shirt girl) I thought hey that’s different, I like it. Then when she said “I never thought I’d be asking Cher to hold my meat purse.” I was still unclear on what she meant by that. It wasn’t until about an hour and a half after the show that I realized, she was in fact wearing raw meat. Enter today, here comes PETA. I’ve never really gotten PETA; I knew they were the people who put out those creepy pictures of monkeys covered in lipstick and naked billboards of celebrities everywhere. I also LOVE when they throw red paint on people wearing white fur, I mean that i...