Oh Snap Political Post...

Lady Gaga or as my dear friend Chelsea calls her Lady GuhGuh did it again last night at the VMAs. Every award show she attends always makes me contemplate whether she is art or a psycho and not from this planet. While that is not the point of this post, this is the point of it:

When she won and came up on stage wearing the above number and me not being that savvy in fashion (you all know I’m and overalls and flannel shirt girl) I thought hey that’s different, I like it. Then when she said “I never thought I’d be asking Cher to hold my meat purse.” I was still unclear on what she meant by that. It wasn’t until about an hour and a half after the show that I realized, she was in fact wearing raw meat.

Enter today, here comes PETA.

I’ve never really gotten PETA; I knew they were the people who put out those creepy pictures of monkeys covered in lipstick and naked billboards of celebrities everywhere. I also LOVE when they throw red paint on people wearing white fur, I mean that is hilarious.

It could be a scene in Hannibal

I do have a couple of questions I would like to address, so PETA if you are reading this…please answer the following for me to better understand why you're idiots.

1.  I believe in your statement about GuhGuh’s meat dress you said:

“… and wearing a dress made from cuts of dead cows is offensive enough to bring comment, but someone should whisper in her ear that there are more people upset by butchery than impressed by it”

My question here is twofold:

1st fold: What I’m wondering is if you are stating that dead cows on a person’s body is offending other cows or is there a third party that I’m missing here?

Fold #2: You state that there are “more people upset by butchery than impressed by it.” Now, is that a proven fact? Can you site your source? Because to be honest with you, I feel like you made that up, like you literally said, “let’s just say this as a fact.” I don’t believe it, and the sole reason I do not believe this is because of every golden arch I ever pass:

Billions and Billions served. I really don’t think you can say that for tofu or veggie burgers now can you?
Also you need to factor in the ratio of vegetarians/vegans to how many of them are only doing it to stay skinny.

2. Do you consider insects animals? And if not, why? And if you do, I’m just going to come out and say it I’m an insect serial killer; I get joy out of destroying them…so throw the red paint on me..

3. This is more of an observation than a question. Carnivores vs. Herbivores. I guess you could almost look at this as a civil rights type of thing. You looking down on the meat eaters of the world is like whites looking down on blacks, valets looking down on parking garage attendants, straights looking down on gays, the Captain looking down on Tennille.

I know this makes an ass out of u and me (more so you than me) but I am going to assume that all you PETA people are vegetarians/vegans. So that means you don’t eat meat/dairy whatever, you stick to the more organic things like fruits and lettuce and carrots and such. Basically things that grow from the ground. If you are eating these items made from our beautiful mother nature aren’t you taking away food from the animals?  So in actuality aren’t YOU the reason they are dying and being made into delicious food for the normal people in the world? I’m just saying.

4. Are you against animals that eat other animals? If you aren’t that is a little hypocritical don’t you think? And if your response is “well they don’t know what they are doing.” They obviously are self aware hence your earlier quote “wearing a dress made from cuts of dead cows is offensive.”  If you are going to hate on the meat-eating humans they you should be hating on the meat-eating meat. I'm just saying again.

If I sound like I’m an idiot, well that’s because I just grilled and ate the steak in my pictures and now I have the meat sweats.

After much thought, tossing and turning, and heroin I've decided to support GuhGuh and her fashion statement. 

GuhGuh- you are the woman keep doing what you're doing (for the most part)  RAH RAH RAH-AH AH


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