Then There Are THOSE Wall Posts

We've all been there. You hop onto Facebook and you’re like “Yes! I gots me a notification yo!” And it’s always just in time to give you some renewed validation because no one has written on your wall in like 4 days and it’s really effecting your ego. Then you go to your page and see it's one of those "So and So has just answered a question about you." You notice it’s from some random person who lived in your dorm hallway freshman year of college. You never greeted or made eye contact with until 2 months later at the Lacrosse house when you are both plastered standing in line for the bathroom. The exchange goes something like this: Person lower than acquaintance: Hey!!! You: Hey!!! Whats up?! Person lower than acquaintance: I’m sooooo wasted. You: Me too!! Person lower than acquaintance: How come we never talk or hang. We pass each other in the dorms all the time. You: I dunno dude!...