Things That Concern Me on January 18, 2012

I decided to start this blog topic and each month I will post a few things that I’m concerned with at that moment in time until the end of 2012.  In December, I will see how the lists have progressed and I can assess how I have grown as a person.  My hypothesis is that when I compare the lists month by month we will actually see a steady decline in both maturity and knowledge.  I also predict I may make each of you that read this a little bit dumber (point in case, I had first spelled the word dumber, d-u-m-m-e-r).
*I also debated between spelt and spelled.

Kourtney Kardashian’s Mommy Blog
It came to my attention that Kourtney Kardashian has a mommy blog on her website. How did it come to my attention?  Kourtney tweeted -“Mommy blog time!  My take on time outs and spankings."  Do not get me wrong I LOVE Kourt K, she’s probably my fave Kardash.  It goes Kourtney, Khloe then Rob.  Did I miss anyone in there? No?  Okay, didn’t think so.  Kourt is pretty and hilarious and she has a college education, but it kind of threw me off that she has a Mommy blog.  Why you ask?  It may have something to do with that fact that on every episode of KKTNY, her child Mason has a band-aid somewhere on his head.  I’m not saying her or Scott are at fault at all, I’m just saying maybe keep a better eye on him or baby proof better.  Getting Kris Humphries out of your family was a huge step forward, but Kim and you'll be solid.  As for the band-aid issues I don't have an answer for that,  I’m just concerned.

The Severed Head found by the Hollywood Sign
Do I even need to explain why I'm concered with this?  Who wouldn't want to see a real severed head?
Justin Bieber
I’ve never hated Justin Bieber and I've never been a Blieber, he can be a cocky little boy, but his music is catchy, and I like his bushy eyebrows.  This weekend I saw that picture of him in his skinny jeans, yellow t-shirt and short brown hair, and when I saw it, something happened inside me.  I’m concerned.

Blackberry or Bust
 I’m jumping ship (no pun intended Italy) when my contract is up in May.  I’m saying this now to brace all of you for the impending switch.  Be concerned.

Okay this is where stuff stops being real and starts being fo' real.

For you people that know me, you know I’m a pretty shallow gal. I cannot comfortably hold a conversation about anything unless it involves last night’s episodes of ‘Glee’ and ‘New Girl’ or it requires any quotes from season one to ten of ‘Friends’ or trivia like Holly Flax’s real name on ‘The Office’ is Hollis Flax.  
 So when topics like politics or the effects of the bubonic plague come up, the only thing I will contribute to the discussion is “I have a couple of friends who actually work on Capitol Hill” (Amy and Jack- what up!). I then slide into the background feeling I have brought something to the table, albeit instant mashed potatoes with too much water in them, but it’s still something.
Politics, I don’t get it, maybe it is due to the fact I’m just not interested.  And yes that is major ignorance on my part but there’s nothing I can do, my ignorance is like Neil Patrick Harris’ homosexuality, I was born with it.  My mother still tells me who to vote for.  Last election she told me to vote for Obama, I did, and now she denies voting for him, yet she has told me repeatedly that she would rather die before she voted Republican, so you do the math. 
There have only been two times that I can remember that I cared about politics.  The first time I had an interest was in summer of 2000 when Metallica banned me from Napster for illegally downloading their music.  As many of you know I’m still not over it and have never listened to a Metallica song since.  (You’re still on my list Ulrich).  It wasn’t the fact that I was banned that made me mad; it was the fact that Metallica were the already millionaire crybabies who did the banning.  It would have been more understandable if it were someone like Jeff Buckley or Elliott Smith*, but they were both dead, so maybe in hindsight, Metallica were the only ones who could.
*Sidenote I realize Elliott died following the fall of Napster but I needed him to make my point.
So you can imagine my horror when I heard about SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act).  I can’t really tell you all the logistics of the bill because I can’t Wiki it to find out. Basically it's a proposed bill that would crack down on copyright infringement by restricting access to sites that host or facilitate the trading of pirated content.  Or something like that, I just copied that off of Wikipedia has given us a taste of what it would be like if Congress passes this bill, by going dark for 24 hours, Craigslist is doing the same but only for about 30 seconds after you get to the site. One day I will go on to CL and I WILL be someone’s ‘missed connection.’ Google, just blacked out their header, but we all still know you are Google, so, no Google, no. 
Yesterday when I found out Wikipedia would be down I didn’t think it would be an issue for me, I probably Wiki at least 2-3 times daily but it’s never pressing issues or matters. It’s usually to see where a celebrity began their early life or to find out which episode of HIMYM did the gang discover Robin’s alter ego ‘Robin Sparkles.’  It wasn't until this morning, 10 hours after the black out when I truly realized the power and immense need of Wikipedia in my life.
I am watching ‘Full Metal Jacket’ tonight.   I have never seen it; nor have I ever been enticed to see it, but sometimes you just have to make unselfish sacrifices for sex a boy (I’M KIDDING.  I’M KIDDING...NO SERIOUSLY MOM, IT'S A JOKE)  First I thought it was a terminator movie, and then I was told that I was way off base and it’s a war movie about Vietnam.   To me that could mean anything.  So this morning I went to Wiki it to see if it was more of a ‘Tropic Thunder’ Vietnam movie or like a “Forrest Gump’ Vietnam movie. It was at that moment that I realized SOPA can’t happen and I took my stand and signed the petition.  Well a petition, there’s about 75 different ones out there.  I’m sure there is a person who will merge them all together once they are complete.
 I still don’t know because the site is down, so I’m going into this movie cold tonight, wish me luck.  I probably won’t be able to concentrate because of this SOPA crap, I’m really concerned.

Things That Don’t Concern Me at All This Month
Paula Deen
                                                       Brody Jenner and Avril Lavigne spilt
                                                   The fact I haven’t received my W-2’s yet
                                                                          The Bachelor


  1. The depth of your shallowness never ceases to amaze me.


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