Things That...Ughhh, Concern Me...Again.
I didn’t really want to write this, but every bone in my body was making me. It’s an urge, like my libido, that I couldn't suppress. I’m pissed I’m writing this. I’m pissed I just wrote that sentence. I’m pissed this is my second concern this month, I don’t like to have more than one concern. I’m pissed this is the second time this year this was a concern. I’m pissed that at our rate, I’ll probably have this concern again in 2013, Lord willing I can have concerns after the events that may or may not transpire next Friday. I have this weird feeling that come December 25th, while we are all are opening presents and shaking our heads in embarrassment towards our family members, we'll all be thinking about 26 other families. More so, the 20 families with gifts that as I'm typing this are already wrapped for people that will never have a chance to open them. I'm not a mother, nor am I ready to be one in any future that is near, but after thi...