Things That...Ughhh, Concern Me...Again.

I didn’t really want to write this, but every bone in my body was making me. It’s an urge, like my libido, that I couldn't suppress.
I’m pissed I’m writing this. 
I’m pissed I just wrote that sentence. 
I’m pissed this is my second concern this month, I don’t like to have more than one concern.
I’m pissed this is the second time this year this was a concern. 
I’m pissed that at our rate, I’ll probably have this concern again in 2013, Lord willing I can have concerns after the events that may or may not transpire next Friday.
I have this weird feeling that come December 25th, while we are all are opening presents and shaking our heads in embarrassment towards our family members, we'll all be thinking about 26 other families. More so, the 20 families with gifts that as I'm typing this are already wrapped for people that will never have a chance to open them. 
I'm not a mother, nor am I ready to be one in any future that is near, but after this last mass murder spree, I envy moms with young children. I can only imagine the mothers who have children enrolled at Sandy Brook Elementary finding out their children were safe and hugging them that first time as a high that a heroin addict strives to get to but can nor will ever reach.
When something horribly tragic happens such as a mass murder, a missing child, a celebrity death or an election year, Facebook explodes with empathy and sympathy. The majority of status' on your newsfeed captures that. That’s not my thing. Maybe for all my other friends it's their thing and how they cope and express their feelings. Personally, I think there's a better place to do such things, like...on a blog. At the same time, like I said, its a newsfeed filled with kind words, sadness, hope and coming together. 
Then you go to check what's happening on Twitter. Twitter is a free for all train wreck, at all times. Sometimes it's a good train wreck like a train filled with Nazis heading for a brick wall while the train is on fire. Other times it's the train wreck that you don't want to watch but can't stop looking at because of all the carnage. Every wing, every political side, every race has an opinion no matter how harsh, and then there's  the pushback to each of them and then comes the personal jabs.
Twitter is the reason I'm writing this. I was on Facebook for hours reading every status, sometimes reluctantly and at times fed up. I moved to Twitter which I hadn't checked since about 11 the previous night to see if there was some silver lining or humor happening. At first what I read were the typical words and thoughts we all have "unfathomable", "horrific", "you're in our prayers."  More quickly than I'd liked, I started reading the gun control vs. people kill people tweets that I'm sadly used to now. 
My timeline rapidly became "stop getting political and just mourn" vs. "why can't we mourn and realize something needs to change?" 
I think my turning point was after Rashida Jones, the black girl I can only hope to become, tweeted a tweet about gun control, then a SUPER awesome person tweeted back a couple times and called Rashida "under qualified" because she had no right "trying to make intelligent comments." The chick graduated from Harvard for crying out loud, she has a right. Then this awesome person went to acting like she knew why Rashida got into Harvard, from the fact to she is Quincy Jones' daughter to the fact that she's a minority and Harvard digs that. I won't lie and say minorities don't get into college due to that, but she graduated from there AND she was tight with 2Pac, and both are not easy feats. It angered me even though I assume the 13 cats this woman has told her to throw out those tweets and this is why I'm writing this.
I hate issues, I hate talking about issues, unless they are about Julie Bowen's ridic Golden Globes snub or the fact that Amanda Bynes needs to be taught a lesson. But sometimes it just has to happen. My straw on the camel's back was those pro-gunners telling everyone crying "gun control" to stop being political and just mourn. Like they had never heard of multitasking, or the fact that people were mourning and thought enough was enough, we need to fix gun laws so this stops and we don't have to keep mourning and doing this vicious cycle.
Hey, gun fanatics. You are pretty blindsided, so let me try to help you out. When something like the senseless murder of 20 children happens, of course everyone mourns and of course people are going to yell "we need more gun control." That's not politicizing anything. It's people trying to find a solution to fix stupid murders. The majority of people you think are against guns and want to ban them, you're wrong about. They don't want to ban them, they just want some stricter laws in place. You can keep your guns, cool it. But there has to be better checks and balances with people getting their hands on guns. They understand these laws won't completely stop the violence but they will diminish them a bit.
Do you remember where you were when the Aurora shootings happened? Okay, okay if you  were east coast you were probably in bed, so that doesn't count. Do you remember where you were when the Ft. Hood shootings happened? Or where you were when 19 people were shot at Gabby Giffords event? Or where you were when the Sikh Temple shootings happened?


Do you remember where you were when Columbine happened? I do. You probably do too. That was the first big mass murder I remember. I was in Mr. Farber's science class in 8th grade. Every 4/20 since then I don't think "oh, it's time to get high."  My mind goes to seeing myself sitting at a lab table in my middle school finding out it's Hitler's birthday, my friend's brother has just passed away and there is a massive school shooting happening.

Maybe it's just me, or have we become desensitized?  It's tragic for a hot minute and then we forget why it happened. Something has to change with gun laws 
Hey, NRA people, you still haven't answered me. Have any of you ever lost any one due to gun violence?
oh and check out @dnscook for her oh so "intelligent" tweets. 

also once again... check out Canadian gun laws from a hilarious Canadian writer, the hilarious Kelly Oxford:
Why Can't We Do This?

Do these bother you? If so, maybe you aren't "technically" a great candidate to possess a gun. 


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