Law. Hey, hi…it’s your birthday today.  And I’m writing this to you.  My favorite thing is when people ask me to make them a video or write something for their birthday, but you didn’t do that, did you? Oh yeah, you did. Months ago. 

Before we start though…are you sitting down? In your living room? Maybe get up and walk to your backyard…I’ll wait.

Still waiting…

You didn’t do it did you?

Well this is awkward. 

Just standing here…

Okay, let’s just get into this, you wanted me to make a list of 30 favorite memories. So like they have to be joint memories? They can’t be like the time you gave birth to Peyton and I held my first newborn ever, or the time John and I laid together in bed? This list can’t be about me, huh? Rather it should be about you…or maybe we can compromise and I can make it about us. We compromise a lot in this friendship. I accept that you watch weird horrible reality, and you accept that one day you will give up, leave John and the kids and I will pick up the pieces of his broken heart and we will fall in love.

Without further adieu in chronological, no particular order …MY 30 FAVORITE MEMORIES/THINGS ABOUT YOU/EVENTS/FLAWS etc... FOR YOUR 30 YEARs

22. Definitely, the first time we spoke
            You: class is canceled
            Me: thanks

       Sure it was brief, but like that was the first building block, if that never happened, we probably  
       would even be friends right now

57. Your very first date with John, I mean not the actual date, rather before it when Kletz and I 
       somehow “forced” you to play a bunch of rounds of 7-11-doubles, and you got drunk, then we 
       somehow “made” put a can of Natty Light in your purse and take it to the movies….

33. Your alter ego k-k-la-la …gosh, I miss that bitch

18. The time I had come back to school from Jersey and you made me go the rod  with you to get 
      that pink  highlighter and I was like "I only use yellow highlighters I used to use pink ones, but 
      I was over them" and then you were like "just use the pink highlighter" and I was like 
     "fineeeeeee …"  Thank you for that.

29. John.

62. The time I got really drunk of white zin and have never had it since, and my hair got caught in 
       the window of John’s car as he tried to open the door for me. That’s not really a favorite 
       memory though, MY favorite memory is the fact that NO ONE remembers that you got super 
       wasted off wine the following weekend…like you were a hot mess, but no, no recollection of 
       that, from anyone

90. Our naps. Our naps were FUCKING legendary

17. Screen door x2 and toe touches

55. "This fruschetta is good. I'm buzzin'"


81. We had a big snowstorm and we stayed at John’s apartment and the next morning I had to     
       work and I called out but my supervisor wouldn’t let me call out. I got off the phone and told   
       you that and you looked at me and just said “call your mom” …because we are adults and our 
       moms are our answers to everything

9. Kelly Clarkson concert – k la, in full effect that day, your slide down the muddy hill

9a)     Your sister getting Dashboard Confessional tickets for your birthday and her just fucking   
         rocking out, loving every moment, loving life
9b)     Motley Crue and Aerosmith concert, they were giving away Skoal pouches during our “oh  
         dip is super cool” phase, we cleaned up

10. NEW YEARS EVE…200….5? 6? …the water cooler, the crawl, the near death experience….

37. ONE. TREE. HILL. Always and forever. hashtag teampeyton

58. I love that you're an avid reader. You love dem books doe. 

25. The shooting 3 doors down, and how after being shot, Mike Jones subsequently came back  
      while we were watching The OC, just to say hi?

77. Wings from the Works (RIP)
96. John driving the Sat on the way home from the roller hockey house “ WHHHOAAAAAAAAAA’

15. Our shared love for the most underrated Will Ferrell movie ever, Kicking and Screaming
    "I was born a baby, a blank slate"
    "Are you a robot? Are you a robot woman?"
    "We’re gonna have a half caf"

20. Even though I don’t condone your reality TV love, I support you. And you do impress me with 
       how passionate and involved you are with the people from the shows you watch, especially the    

43. You’re a great mother, you don’t let children stop you from being who you are, you know? If 
       you want to drop and f-bomb and they are in the room you do it anyway, if you are angry at 
      them you hit them until they bleed. I love that motherhood hasn’t changed you.

31. Your shore house that one night. Your hometown friends..... Your college friends……NEXT!

64. Going as Big Bird and Elmo for Halloween

72. How we are basically Mer and Christina the similarities are creepy
       You have three kids...
       I moved away for work...
       Hmmm… guess that's where that stops

11. Our polo shirt phase, popped collar, double popped collar…we got WAY deep into that

23. Law. Cho.

44. When John got in the balls... HAHAHAHA I always forget about it and every once in a while it 
       pops in my head and  I crack up. I am doing it right now. (sorry if you're reading this John)

65. Sitting in R8 late night, just PATIENTLY waiting for PZ to get home with pizza. We could never 
      get the concept that it took PZ more than 15 minutes to get from Roxborough to Wilmington

13. Watching Action News every day just for the possibility of being able to WHOO! if our 
      hometowns or neighboring towns were mentioned "There was a murder today in...." 

                 13a) VERN

69. Ted Peterson. Nancy Grace. Trial. One. Glistening. Tear.

18. You made 3 really really cool kids. (I'm saying 3 but I kinda mean 2 for now because I'm still 
      not totally convinced Kylie likes me)

30. I don’t know if you remember this one, but our last day at school freshman year, we went to 
      Taco Bell for lunch before we were headed to our respective homes, we had lunch then said 
      goodbye in the parking lot, and I remember getting into Mort and like just feeling super sad 
      that we weren’t going to see each other every day…i think that’s when I realized oh we’ll 
      definitely be friends for the next year or two, give or take.

31... one for good luck?

There you have might be more than 30. I was never good with numbers. Anyway...Happy 30th Birthday buddy. Love and miss you. I wish I could be there. Thanks for being my person.

oh, before you close this page... maybe check in your backyard again...


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