Author's note #1 - I started writing this on my phone, in a room surrounded by guns. Seriously. Dem tiny Derringers doe. Kewt. Author's note 2 - some of my best friends and favorite people have guns. I think that needs to be stated. This blog is really just kind of turning into my very own little morbid place on the internet. It seems I’m rarely here and when I am all I feel compelled to write about is death and guns. I miss writing my letters to Lindsay Lohan. I don’t know if you heard about the story about the a local news reporter and camaraman from Virginia that were shot and killed on live TV this morning. I also don’t know if you saw the video, but I did, and I can only describe it as….umm… a mind fuck? It was a surreal, super unfathomable thing and I'm sure so MUCH more so for the victims and their families. First, you're like whoa, they were so young, their poor families have to go through this, their co-workers had to go on with the news after see...