Author's note #1 - I started writing this on my phone, in a room surrounded by guns. Seriously. Dem tiny Derringers doe. Kewt.
Author's note 2 - some of my best friends and favorite people have guns. I think that needs to be stated.

This blog is really just kind of turning into my very own little morbid place on the internet. It seems I’m rarely here and when I am all I feel compelled to write about is death and guns. I miss writing my letters to Lindsay Lohan.

I don’t know if you heard about the story about the a local news reporter and camaraman  from Virginia that were shot and killed on live TV this morning. I also  don’t know if you saw the video, but I did, and I can only describe it as….umm… a mind fuck? It was a surreal, super unfathomable thing and I'm sure so MUCH more so for the victims and their families. First, you're like whoa, they were so young, their poor families have to go through this, their co-workers had to go on with the news after seeing it play out live. Like, what?!?  Can we also wrap our heads around the fact that this didn't happening during a piece on gang violence in Compton or a segment during the riots in Baltimore? It was like a positive piece on …I don’t even know what, but I could tell by the tones and smiles on faces that it wasn’t negative. I do good at reading situations, yes?

Now let’s get to the main and most important point of this blog… I want to share with you how these shootings are affecting ME. I think it’s only fair because when these shootings happen, people who think everything with guns in America are honky dory and if anything changed it would extremely affect them negatively, so ...


1. I have to favorite tweets like this…

Instead of favoriting tweets that have gifs of Nick Jonas gyrating, this is what I favorite. I mean, technically I could favorite both…but what kind of message would that be sending? Honestly?

2. Shootings affect me because I have to try and think of a reason as to why someone with, who I guess for the time being we can call behavioral/anger issues and was fired from jobs because of it was able to buy a gun? So now I'm thinking oh is that not a red flag when buying a gun? Is this "a just me, or an everyone" thought?

3. It ruins plans that I had for that particular day or if it happens at night it affects the time I go to bed.

For example: I was actually planning on writing a post today for either National Dog Day, about how my dog bit my mom (MY DOG BIT MY MOM) or for Woman’s Equality Day about how men technically “bleed” from their penises and women from their vaginas so EQUALITY people! EQUALITY! But no, now I have to write about this.

4.  Shootings affect me because I’ll see a tweet and have a obsessive compulsion and read it over and over again…

and before I know it I have to @ reply to a random stranger because I was legitimately curious.

She retweeted and responded.

... and I feel that we got along splendidly during this brief exchange (I kind of read the first part of the initial tweet and ignored the few hours part, eh, I see what I want to see...because ME) 

I agree with the hate and rants, wait... is this a rant? Well it's about me so it's warranted...I could have maybe rebutted about the four hours, but thatssssss compromise...

Then this dude came..

and because I'm basically Curious George with a vagina...

He has yet to answer me and it bothers me because I really do want to know the answers. 

4a. Shootings also affect me because Twitter only gives me 140 characters I also wanted to add my opinion that I feel that there's always something to talk about when stuff like this happens, but ... Papa isn't as engaging as Mama..

5. Shootings also affect me because I have to refresh my Facebook newsfeed constantly to see if someone who thinks nothing needs to be changed with gun control would please maybe post a status other than it infringes on our 2nd amendment right or that changing the laws wouldn’t do anything to help. Okay, maybe it wouldn't but would it hurt anyone to try? Seriously? Like would it shoot someone to if we tried to change something? I mean we changed segregation and now I have so many white friends and a white mother I don't even know what to do with myself. I'm asking this for myself.

6. Shootings affect me because I have to once again as I have many times before Google search if any NRA members have been victims of gun violence.

GUESS WHAT????????????

I Googled it again today and I FINALLY FOUND ONE.

Sure its geared towards stronger control against one type of person, but that’s something, no?

7. Shootings affect me because I have to think; do I have a right to think you are an idiot for thinking nothing needs to change? I think I do, but I would never exercise this right by calling you an idiot. I do definitely think though, since some people think that people have the right to walk into a grocery store with an assault rifle and shoot up the people shopping in the frozen produce aisle that I kind of have a right to write this.

8. Finally, shootings affect me because when this happens and I have this overwhelming need to post about it, I have to think, are these words coming across the way I want them to? Are you understanding the tone of this as I envisioned it in my head?

9. Actually… the final, final way shootings affect me is I have to think to myself; why do I feel like I should say something?  I have come to the conclusion that I should say something because 
a) I’m awesome 
b) I’m a medical marvel, I should’ve contracted Rabies years ago 
c) I’m not a bleeding heart liberal and I’m not a conservative, conservative. I’m literally this awkward, not mentally her physical age girl, who posts weird videos and writes odd things in my little thigh gap of a space on the information super highway, so maybe other weirdos will one day come across this and heed my words and go "hmm" and not attack something they don't agree with but maybe discuss? I dunno, but hey, why not? I’m THIRTY FLIRTY AND THRIVING 
........and secret reason
 d) my horoscope told me to do it

I’m going to go now. I have a 6 pack and two more seasons of THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS to watch on Netflix (YES! Netflix does have it, I know you are asking if I'm blowing smoke up your ass and I'm not...IT'S THERE!)



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