Giving Back.
With my dear friend Linsanity's latest woes, I had already started populating my "Letters to Lindsay - version 2.0. I really thought she was going to go back to the slammer, I was uberly excited that this was going to happen because then we could re-ignite the relationship we started over the summer. MISS THIS GIRL! I'll be honest once she was sprung from Lynwood, I tried to keep in contact but it was tough because no one would give me her address, she never replied to my tweets, and the impossible happened - I couldn't even get anything out of Michael Lohan's mouth. Then the judge sentenced her to the worst possible thing: rehab until January 3rd 2011. I thoroughly oppose rehabs, I'm a staunch believer in the old saying "Rehab is for quitters!" I cannot with a clean conscience continually write a daily letter to the Lin-dawg and address it to "Betty Ford Center." It would go against everything I believe in. After much contemplation...
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