A Reason to Not Quit...

With the invention of DVR, commerical watching has become almost obsolete for me.  I have actually come to despise commericals and having to sit through them.  Although there are those commericials that really do their job and make you want to have a product.


Every herpes commerical makes me jealous of each individual that is lucky enough to have them.  They just seem so happy and full of life, and they are never alone even when it seems they are.  "Two beers please, one for me, and one for my herpes."  They have the perfect life and are always in love.

I want a love like this.

Another commercial I enjoy is Claritin.  Those people with make me want to have allergies because it seems as soon as they take these pills they have 20/20 vision times 18...crystal clear.

Are you Claritin Clear?

The other day I broke my commercial rule while watching a movie on Lifetime : Television for Women.  My eyes were glued to the TV screen about a minute into the commerical...this commerical was for CHANTIX

Chantix is a stop-smoking aid, which is fine.  I mean anything that can help people stop inhaling nail polish remover, ammonia, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, choloform and all that other fun stuff in a pack of Newport 100s.

I watched the story of Lisa and how she overcame smoking with help of this medicine.  Then came the typical side effects, nasuea, dizziness, blurred speech, you know things that happen in me on a daily basis.  But then, they just kept going and going.  By the end of the commerical, I was standing in the middle of my unfurnished apartment in disbelief.  I realized something, this mediciation is not going to help people stop smoking, it is going to help people KEEP smoking.  Watch this video which includes my reactions to the commerical and I hope you will all agree with me.


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