My Brief Review of Reviews

I have a new found hobby. Many people know how entertaining it is to read Yelp reviews, but do you know how much fun it is to read app reviews in the App Store?  I chose four of my favorite apps and checked out the first 50 reviews of each, these are some of my favorites.


How can you compare MySpace and Twitter? Is it because you are on crack cocaine heroin? Also, what exactly is crack cocaine heroin? Like a super magic eight ball?

 Listen up Rosie baby, your problem isn't with Instagram, it's with China. Go complain to them, I'm sure they'll understand.

Omg. Your Instagram app can talk????

You know what's not ideal? Your last name is Wex.


Nope. No one is kidding here, Helen.

I feel you. Reminds me of the days when I was a kid and actually had to be home to hit 'record' on the VCR every Tuesday night to tape a new episode of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'

 You are such a stalker, and I LOVE it. Follow me.

It's not the app, it's the fact that no one is mentioning you...

Hey bruh, you alright? You seem like you're sad.

Bonus review.
O     M    G ...


You have the hardest knock of life I have ever seen.

I actually agree with you Snak, because I want to "dilike" this. I'm really hoping you are younger than seven years old. If not, get checked out by a doctor...for everything.

But do you like green eggs and ham? You seem like a real pessimist. What do you like? Kicking puppies?

Where?! Go where?! Is this a cry for help? Do you need medical assistance? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HELP YOU!!!



Aww, were you raised to believe life was fair? How tragic.

Let me help you out K. mean vid.

Five minutes after this review was posted, Alfalasi's family was tragically killed in a freak pedestrian hit-and-run accident. Yes, all of them. One car, 40 family members. Dead.

Okay, okay.  Yes, I am Ant Bully. I love to watch myself! Deal with it. FIX IT YOUTUBE APP! FIX IT!

And my review of the App Store? You need enable us to comment directly to others.



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