Things That Concern Me: February 11, 2013: Brewing Things

I think I've hit all the major things that concern me. It took 13 months and that means there were only 13 things, well 12 because gun control took two turns (selfish asshole). This makes me feel like a low maintenance, easy going gal. Here are a list of things that are starting to concern me a bit and may one day be a part of my campaign platform when I run for Duke of Katsuya. (That's how it works on Yelp, right?)

Justin Bieber needs to stop taking his shirt off.
His shirt is always off now. It's not even hot out, anywhere, it's February. It's freezing on the east coast and unseasonably cold on the west coast. You should be wearing your OBEY hoodie, with your OBEY hat, 5 inches off your head. Yes, we all see you have oddly placed tattoos and a six pack, but the frame of the rest of your body just makes it look like your ribcage slid down and the bones are poking out.

BT-DUBS – love the Believe Acoustic album, keep trucking musically, everything else...just stop, stop trucking with everything else

My loss of interest of activities I once loved.
My bad. My bad, wrong list, this one's for my therapist.

My urge to stock up on OraQuick and Instagram the results with different filters daily.
I don't feel that there's a need for me to explain why this concerns me, just know its a multifaceted concern

My mother hasn’t wished me a happy Black History Month yet.
Maybe she just forgot, like she forgot my 25th birthday, but if that’s not the case, I’ve got beef with it considering she always says she “knows more about black history” than I do. Come to think about it, she's NEVER wished me a happy BHM. Whatever, at least she's my Valentine again this year...ahhhhh...

ABC keeps pushing back putting new episodes of Happy Endings on air.
Get your shit together, ABC. Get. Your. Shit. Together. You're lucky Community just came back on, Girls has five more episodes left of the season and  The Mindy Project  just keeps getting better and better, otherwise I would have more time to be so much more up in arms about this.

But hey, ABC, play The Bachelor one more time in HE's time spot and see what happens...

I leave work with more stuff on me than I came into work with.
Today I left with blood stains, coffee and special sauce on my jeans and sweater.

I got the CSI of bloody noses, I accidentally turned my coffee cup upside down while trying to take a selfie, and I had a Big Mac for lunch.

Taylor Swift has finally started to make calculated moves at award shows.
Looks like Taylor’s handlers sat her down finally and had this conversation:
“Look, T-Swizzle, you’re getting a reputation as a sore loser.”
Taylor looks confused...
“What do you mean?”
One of her handlers reply...
“You look sore when you lose.”  
Taylor shakes her head, even more confused...
“I-I’m not getting what you are saying."
Another handler sighs and has a go at it...
“At an awards show the camera always pans to you when you lose and your face always looks sorely.”
Taylor gets it now...
“I get it now. Don’t worry I won’t let that happen again.”

Fast forward to Grammy Night 2013 - Taylor Swift won't stop dancing... the entire 3 ½ hour show. I’m pretty sure I  even caught her fist pumping during the ‘In Memoriam’ portion of the show. I don't know what is worse, the "Death to the world stare Taylor" when she loses, or the "Look at me I'm going to dance and I know every word to every song, ever Taylor." Only time will tell...

My increasing arousal during make out and sex scenes on The Vampire Diaries.
It’s actually more between getting aroused and wanting to be a vampire. I would most definitely hold Ian Somerhalder at gunpoint* and make him bite my neck. There are moments I'm watching where I seriously contemplate trying to jump through my TV screen. I know that's borderline delusional, but what if it isn't? What if this is just one giant romantic, comedy, drama, documentary movie where anything can happen? I'm not saying I'm living The Truman Show, but I'm not saying I'm not living The Truman Show.

*unloaded, obviously guys, I'm no Dorner. Where is that dude anyway?

My perception of reality.
Whoops. Another one for my therapist.

My increasing acceptance of being a loner.
I am legitimately a-okay with hanging by myself on a Friday night, and then that Saturday, and then that following Friday and Saturday and so on. I think there is a direct correlation to how every time I see kittens or cats, I think they are cute and precious. I find myself sending cute pics I see online, liking Instagram pics of cats, and even petting cats in real life. I used to hate cats. I would like to say this is just a part of my evolution, but I think I’m just becoming use to them. Like eel, they are an acquired taste, and I have started to acquire it, and I don’t like what I’m acquiring. One bit. If this is a foreshadow, I want it to be whatever the opposite of a foreshadow is. A beforebright?


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