Life Updates, You're Welcome

Oh. Hi there.  It's been a while, yet again. Between keeping up with my Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Instagram and Youtube, this blog has surely taken a backseat in my labor of love car.

I've decided this post will be an update for the millions of you out there that wonder what is happening in my life and what I'm thinking about. 

I wouldn't call myself a private person, re: the six social networking sites I'm on. Yet still, some friends will tell you that I "never tell them anything" or I'm "shady" when I nonchalantly mention something along the lines of "You know, the dude I've been dating for nine months" or "I've been going to church twice a week for the last two years." 

It's not that I'm trying to be shady, but I don't really like repeating myself, and that's exactly what you have to do every time someone asks you "How are you?" and "What's new with you?" It's much easier to just reply with "same shit, different day." And to be honest, when someone asks you that, do they really care? I know I usually don't. And since I'm such a considerate and kind person and totally follow the "do unto others as you would want them to do unto you" quote from the Bible (although originally taken from Rod Stewart's 1988 hit "Forever Young"), I don't trouble people with my life stories (Families in Crisis...bring it back HBO!), unless they can get a laugh out of someone.

For your viewing pleasure, here are some updates of what's be going on in my life and what I've been thinking about lately.

-Yes. I was seeing someone. It was brief. It seemed like we were together for a while when in actuality it was about 13 hours. While it could have been much longer, like 39 hours, he didn't get along with my friend(s), so we broke it off.

-Today I was hanging out in an explosives bunker, and there was a rattlesnake. I was more scared of the rattlesnake than the explosives, I was also very upset that I was told to turn my cell phone off because of some reason I don't remember. Basically the no cell phone on the plane rule bullshit. I'm a true believer in cell phones don't blow up explosives or planes (re: 9/11)

-Lately I've been recommending TV shows for people to watch, and they aren't following through with watching them. It's really been bothering me, because TV recommendations are the ONE thing, THE ONE THING I'm good at, besides degrading myself at weddings and disappointing my mother. It also upsets me because now instead of talking to my therapist for a whole hour about myself, I have to take up a half hour talking about some of you assholes and how you completely don't respect my expertise. Do you have any idea how that feels for someone who needs the attention on her at all times and also needs acceptance, yet wants to be left alone? Do you? I don't think you do. 

-I'm like super into 80s music right now. I get in these phases, until a couple of weeks ago I was super into the Grey's Anatomy musical episode soundtrack (don't ask) and Marilyn Manson's cover of Tainted Love which probably led me to now...the 80s. Specifically, Mister Misters Broken Wings, Talking Heads Once In A Lifetime, and Tears for Fears Everybody Wants To Rule The World.

-Instagram now has video. I always like to be an OG, so I like to stick to Vine. Six seconds, keep it short and sweet. I can't promise I won't post videos on Instagram, but for the time being (probably until I'm done writing this), I won't be posting vids to it. Keek who?  Me resisting Instagram video, is the old me resisting posting food on Instagram.

-Lately I've been having dreams of being able to reject lives from people on Candy Crush. Specifically from those who I ask for a life or ticket from and they don't come through for me until days later when I'm already 10 levels passed the level I needed you and it at. I think rejections on Candy Crush would be a nice, passive way of saying "F you."

-I'm kind of angry at bank ATMs and the fact that the least amount of money you can take out is 20 dollars. I hate that banks just assume that you have 20 dollars to take out. WE AREN'T ALL MILLIONAIRES BANKS (WELLS FARGO, I'M TALKING TO YOU) Sometimes a ten spot is all we need and have.

-I'm really into stand-up comedy right now. I'm kind of thinking about drinking a fifth of Makers Mark one night and hitting up an open mic.

-Friends is now playing on TVLand. It's one thing for it to be on Nick at Nite, but TVLand?

-I think Hot In Cleveland on TVLand is a great little TV Show. I read an article this week that said Hot In Cleveland is the new Golden Girls,  and I can kind of see that.

-I made a YouTube video last week, that I'm having trouble getting the courage to post, because I'm indecent in it, so I've been going back forth with it (one, not two).


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