The New Crisis
I’m just coming out of my first quarter-life crisis that started when I was around 23 or 24. For the past six years this crisis has assisted in me making horrible life choices many of you are well aware of such as, deciding to go to law school, peeing behind dumpsters, throwing up in my mouth and sleeping with anywhere from a few to a plethora of people (just sleeping, cool it, Mom). It was like I didn’t know what I wanted in life, but I secretly did know, but I was terrified at the thought of what I knew I truly wanted coming to the surface because of fear of failure, so simultaneously as I would say I didn’t know what I wanted, I was also saying I knew what I wanted (i.e. law school, and sleepovers). Which ultimately was I knew that what I was saying I wanted to myself and others wasn’t what I knew I really wanted, just something I knew people would want to hear, and knew what I would want myself to hear to seem to be a normal functioning member of society. Deep down I kne...