With my dear friend Linsanity's latest woes, I had already started populating my "Letters to Lindsay - version 2.0. I really thought she was going to go back to the slammer, I was uberly excited that this was going to happen because then we could re-ignite the relationship we started over the summer. MISS THIS GIRL! I'll be honest once she was sprung from Lynwood, I tried to keep in contact but it was tough because no one would give me her address, she never replied to my tweets, and the impossible happened - I couldn't even get anything out of Michael Lohan's mouth. Then the judge sentenced her to the worst possible thing: rehab until January 3rd 2011. I thoroughly oppose rehabs, I'm a staunch believer in the old saying "Rehab is for quitters!" I cannot with a clean conscience continually write a daily letter to the Lin-dawg and address it to "Betty Ford Center." It would go against everything I believe in. After much contemplation...
I was getting coffee with a co-worker today and I ordered a caramel latte. The barista asked me a question after I ordered. I didn't hear what he said, so he repeated it. I still couldn't hear, so he repeated it a third time. I responded again with "what?" He repeated it again. I turned to my co-worker for assistance and he said "What is your name?" the proceeded to answer for the barista. After we left I told him that I really couldn't understand the barista, he said well he was soft spoken, maybe he was intimidated by you. I was taken aback. "What?! I'm not intimidating." "Yeah, you are just the look you always have on your face. It says 'don't talk to me.'" I cursed out loud and replied with "Dammit, that's supposed to be my airport look." Don't bother me at airports people, don't want to be there, don't want to know you. Unbeknownst to me, my airport look turned into my everyday when...
Based on a true, but fictional story He was everything to her. She knew every possible thing she could know about him. He was a photographer, an amazing one at that. He would say that SportsCenter was his favorite show, when in actuality it was Parenthood. If he could only eat one type of food for the rest of his life, he chose the Dragon Roll from Sushi on Main. He had a super fat tabby cat named Tabby. He’s deathly allergic to bees. He’s the oldest of three children. He has two sisters that mean the absolute world to him. Their father died when he was 10 and he had to become the man of the house. When he’s ready to have children he wants four, two of each. These are the things she excitedly told her three girlfriends at brunch the first time she mentioned him. She couldn’t believe a month had passed since she told them about him. She wasn’t going to, at least not then but she just kind of blurted it out after they kept badgering her a...
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