the comedic stylings of a/an _______ (fill in the blank)

Lately I've been watching a lot of stand up.  I've been inspired by people such as Sarah Silverman and Iliza Shlesinger (both Jews, just a little FYI funfact) and Erin Gilligan (if you haven't heard of her, google her, you won't regret it).

I finally decided one day last week that instead of coming home from work and pounding a 6-pack of Miller Lites and considering it my dinner, I would be more productive and write a mini show. 

Once I did, I decided to go to an open mic night.  Turns out my apartment was having one that night.  The turnout was dismal at best, but you gotta start somewhere.

In Part1 I discuss my debilitating fear of phones, my not so normal dreams, and how i plan on scoring my 15 minutes of fame.

Part 2  explains the

For those of you wondering I didn't quit my day job.

the chandra moore comedy whore tour

the chandra moore comedy whore tour -  part 2

perks of being black, the # 1 question i'm asked the most, how I feel about friends getting married and how they let you know


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