Here We Are Again : Letters to Lindsay v. 2.1

February 2, 2011

Dear Lindslace,
It's been a while, how are you? Don't answer that. I think I know. Today is pretty bittersweet for me. On the bitter side, I hate to see you go through what you are going through, but on the sweet side, I'm slightly stoked because if it goes the way I hope, we could quite possibly start up our correspondence again. You can see the pickle I'm in.

As I sit here in my office on my lunch break  eating a delicious Macho Taco from Del Taco:

 I am watching you walk into the courthouse for your arraignment:

I don't know if you were trying to throw off the media and make it seem like you were going to the courthouse to get married, but it wasn't working for you all..and this is coming from a girl who is completely comfortable wearing shirts with holes in the armpits.

Anyway I'm getting off topic.  This is just a brief letter basically saying I hope everything turns out well, but then again I hope it doesn't so we can become penpals like we used to.  Remember those days? Good times.

Oh and I just got word you pleaded not guilty.  That is awkward.  Especially since you were seen wearing the necklace walking out.  Well I should probably get back to work.  Just know I love you and I'm thinking about you.

Always Sincerely Your #1 Supporter, but not Your #1 Fan.

Chandra T.

P.S. out of curiousity, if you had a chance to take back one thing you did in your life what would it be?

                     A  - stealing the necklace
                     B  - ruining things with Samantha Ronson
                     C  - filming A Praire Home Companion

let me know dudette.

P.P.S. hope this turns out win-win for both us - it probably won't though.



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