Things That Concern Me: February 16, 2012: An Open Letter to Chris Brown

I keep my opinions and beliefs about the big things pretty private. For example, there are few that can tell you my stance on abortion, politics, organized religion and stem cell research. A main reason is, my opinions teeter from yay to nay on the daily basis. It depends on my mood, the situation and if it's sunny or cloudy out. I'm still not at that maturity level of an adult, to have solid decisions on certain topics.

For the past 3 years, many people have expressed their feelings on Chris Brown, I, secretly, being one of them. While my public proclamations about him have been extremly non-controversial, I have shot out a comical tweet every once and a while. I have even joined in some real life conversations about this guy (can't call him a man).

Chris Brown has made it known to his almost 800,000 followers (I do not follow him, and never intend to, but I do glance at his Twitter page every now and again) and the world how he feels about "the haters." Long story short; he thinks the public's dwelling on his past is unfair. I do not agree with this, mainly because he, himself helps his (I know there is no way that can be grammatically correct) past keep coming back to the surface. Everyone knows the definiton of insanity is repeating the same action over and over yet expecting a different outcome each time. This is exactly what he does. I have a non useful degree in psychology, and observing his behavior I have come to this conclusion; he doesn't understand what is happening. He just can't comprehend it. This is why I am here. So to give some assitance to Mr. Christopher Brown, here is an open letter to him.

Chris, please read, with an open mind. If you do not understand what an open mind is, Google it. You can do so, because SOPA has been shut down. (Yay!)

Dear Chris,
Here is a tweet, that you recently tweeted, then deleted and is the reason I decided to write this post:

"@ChrisBrown HATE ALL U WANT BECUZ I GOT A GRAMMY Now! That’s the ultimate FUCK OFF!"

I have to give you props, where props are due. You are completely in the right Christopher. All your haters should forgive you for everything because you won a Grammy. I actually think it is literally a bible passage that goes something like:

"Once thou has won a Grammy, it shall trump all that thou have done."

Now, don't quote me, but I believe it's right after the verse that literally says being gay is a sin.

A little note before I start: I don't know if you remember, but I met you back in the Fall of 2010. I was at the Grove with my roommate at the time and a couple of home skillets, and you walked by and I pointed you out. I was literally was like "OMG! It's Chris Brown!" I saw you and that was enough for me, but my entourage wanted to follow you, so we did. I can't help when I see a celebrity, it's like a fourth sense to me, like a sniper. I've seen Gene Simmons twice and I couldn't help it or stop it. We followed you when you walked into Victoria's Secret, well, my entourage did. I stayed outside of the store, but then my sister that lives in San Diego, who is a C. Brown fan was on the phone and she wanted to talked to you, so I walked in. You were polite and taking pictures with the people that were swarming you. Which I cannot say about the girl you were with. She just looked miserable. I don't know if it was because you beat her regularly, or if that is just the way her face is (I will actually go with the latter on that one). I'd admit you
are gorgeous in person, I asked you to say hi to my sister and you replied to me so sweet and soft spoken "I'm sorry, I can't talk on the phone, but tell her I said hello." It was astonding how sweet and nice you were.


Anyway Chris, I'm writing this to give my public opinion of you, and also maybe enlighten you as to why you have so many haters. Let's start from the beginning. I wasn't a huge fan of yours, but I did enjoy a couple of your Top 40 hits, and I may have even downloaded some of them illegally for my listening pleasure. You are very, very easy on eyes and you dance very, very well. I don't want to say that these are the only compliments I am going to give you in this entire letter because I want you to keep reading, but they are. I watched you on the last season of 'The OC' as a smart, geeky band nerd and you were just the cutest. Okay I lied, this is the last compliment. At that time in my life, and yours, I had no qualms about you. I read about you and I saw you in the tabloids that talked about your hot and steamy romance with Rihanna. You guys seemed to really be in love with each other and you seemed to just fit. The perfect R&B/Pop light skin it-couple.

My dear, dear friend and close confidant, Sarah Huber, wrote a book entitled "Kill, Marry, Fuc" (seriously everyone, buy it, it will change your life Kill, Marry, Fuc ). You, were one of the lucky ones, who was included in the book. You are under the category of 'The Romantics'. There is you, John Mayer, and Ben Roethlisberger in this category. Good 'ol Sarah placed a quote each of you have said. To paraphase the other nominees, John basically said his penis is racist, and Ben basically said he'd rather rape than be raped. Your quote you ask? "My mother taught me to treat a lady respectfully." You completely would have been an automatic marry for me.

Then February 8th, 2009, Grammy Night happened.

No need to recollect we all know what went down. Both you went into hiding, and then emerged when each of you thought the time was appropiate. You tried to seem remorseful, started doing interviews, apologizing and wanting to move on from it. You were sentenced to probation and community service, and we all saw. We saw the pictures of your service and watched your YouTube apology. We were slowly, very slowly trying to move on and forgive you, then 2 years later, you had your GMA interview.

You were upset by that they asked about the incident and you showed it backstage, cursing at producers, ripping your shirt off and throwing a chair through glass. The hate started up again, worst than it was before.

The world  got to see your anger again.  Not limited to your angry @ replies on Twitter to your "haters" and how inconsiderate you were to your West Hollywood neighbors with your loud early morning parties and disregard for assigned parking spots. Listen Chris, we've all seen you dance, there is no reason you should be parking your cars in handicap spots.

While all this bad press is going on you still continued making catchy Top 40 tunes that the radio kept playing. You have no idea how conflicted I was when your song 'Forever' played during Jim and Pam's wedding on 'The Office.' I didn't know whether to tap my foot when Dwight kicked Isabel in the face when dancing down the aisle or to turn off the show and boycott. I couldn't boycott a show that I loved from the beginning if you were interested. You don't understand how I felt watching Demi Lovato's 17th birthday party video at the Roosevelt Hotel and her and her crew briefly danced to 'I Can Transform You.'

You religiously mention in interviews how you don't get why people let won't let the past be the past, like the public has done with Charlie Sheen and numerous of other famous figures that have done wrong to others and the world. I think one of the main reasons is they never acted like you did after the fact. They did go underground until the smoked cleared. They maybe did an interview or two afterwards to express their remorse, but they never lashed out at those in society who had a legitimate reason to be upset at them. They understood their reasons and worked to build back their reputations and their fan base. But you and your tweets (which have since been deleted. Why?) You get angry and it shows. It's like you don't understand why we still dislike you. And I don't understand why your fans are still your fans. It seems we may have come to an empasse. Actually not really and empasse. It's your continuing behavior since the incident of 2009 that is the reason people are still hating on you.

In conclusion Chris, I completely and utterly understand the hate you get. If you would just be that guy I met in Victoria's Secret maybe people would jump back onto your bandwagon. It seems you are swell in person. People always talk about how awesome you are face to face i.e. Joe Jonas, Lil Wayne, you even somehow got Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez on your side (although I'm sure Selena is just appeasing her boyfriend). But it's not how you are in person with you're friends, acquaintances, and fans, it's your actions that fucking suck. Stop being a douche.  Stop performing on award shows and on TV with strobe lights and lasers, they are all blending together. We are all over it. Instead of working on changing only one sequence of your performance, thinking the world won't realized, why don't you prove that you have "grown" as one as your latest tweets have stated (which you may delete, because it seems that is your thing now. You've been tweeting since March 3, 2010, yet only 11 tweets? Yeah, right. Grow a pair and keep your tweets around, but not a pair that thinks they're big enough to hit a girl or get angry to those with a negative opinion of you.  You winning a  Grammy means NOTHING to the world. You make it seem like your Grammy win should make every think you're a great guy and all should be forgiven.  It doesn't.  You have to prove it.  Show us you and stop acting like an asshole.  Your fans will only take so much.  Well actually, your fans seem a little psycho. You went into this line of work, you should know the good and  the bad come with the territory. Start to tread gracefully, ass.

Do you see what I meant by yay or nay and my dependence on the elements?

If you are still confused - Chris Brown needs to be put in his place. I do not like him.


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