Things that Concern Me: April 7th, 2012 - Well That Backfired.

All That - awesome 
The Amanda Show - splendid
She's the Man - good stuff
What I Like About You - Jennie Garth and the gorge Nick Zano - enough said.

Most of you know my disdain for Amanda Bynes.  I've always, always been a fan of her work, and then she joined Twitter and whatever work she had done to win me over (which wasn't a lot, she's a funny chick) was washed away.  It took me nine months to unfollow her, afraid that if I unfollowed, I would miss something spectacular.  I don't even have an example of what I would think I would miss, shame on me.  Evenutally, A. Bynes deleted her Twitter, I assumed because she had gotten so much hate @replies because of her dumb tweets.  Then she came back. I checked, still dumb and proceeded to go on with my life.

Then on  April 6th, 2012, this happened:

copyright Perez Hilton

I should clarify to you all, Amanda's hair is not pink. It's lilac.  How do I know you ask?  Here's a hint:

I woke up to tweets that Amanda Bynes had been arrested for drunk driving and side swiping a cop car.  I would be lying if I said I didn't smirk when I heard the news.  I would also be lying if I said I wasn't hysterically laughing while driving hungover to work. 

I'm a Twitter freak, I'm on Twitter all day, everyday and Amanda Bynes was all Twitter would talk about. I mean, that and the death of Jesus, but they were almost neck and neck.

Here's my concern:  It the words of one of my dearest friends Leanna Buchanan, "it's too much, it's too much."  Amanda, you have somehow made me do what I have tried to avoid for so long,  reading about you. 

Here's a tidbit of exactly what I've seen on my timeline, in chronological order.  "Too much, it's too much."  Amanda "you're too much."

And here's the thing that MOST concerns me.  Now I have to follow Amanda Bynes again to see what her first tweet back will be...


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