Things That Concern Me: January 7th, 2013: A Monday

Well. Guess I'm doing this again...things that concern me monthly. Gosh, I follow through with things. Yes law school is amazing, my rock collection has been growing since the 4th grade, and I feel healthier day by day with help of my daily, never miss a beat vitamin intake.

I decided what my concern would be this month stemmed from a conversation I had with a good friend today. I won't say their name, because they look for their name in every post I write. Now I bet since I won't be name dropping them, they are reading this sentence and thinking "Chandra's such an asshole."  

This is a little askew because it's something that won't actually concern me until April. Come this April though, it'll be the fourth April in a row it has concerned me. I went to school with a girl named April. April.

I work for a certain government entity. I know a lot of people who work for government entities. We get a lot of perks, benefit wise. The day to day functions aren't that beneficial but the sweet health care and days off, and "59 minute rules" help.

There is nothing like school holidays and closings. When you are little those snow days are awesome. You get to go sledding, play with your friends who live near by and wear so much clothing that everyone looks like the Michelin man, which you look like on the daily basis. These days start to slowly suck when you get in high school because your parents expect you to help with the shoveling and can forbid you to drive to the sick sledding hills in your town because you live "under my roof." They get a bit better when your in college because the school shuts down right before it gets bad which gives you enough time to stock up on beers, liquor and fattening snacks.  School holidays get better to, specifically Christmas break. You get over a month off which is just enough time to hang out with the childhood friends you miss, realize that you can never move back home and live "under my roof",  and get to the point where you miss your college friends you can't wait to see again. 

Then something happens. The real world. Luckily in the job I'm at, I get some vacation time and three day weekends for holidays that you still don't understand or celebrate but it doesn't matter because, hey, thats an extra day for drinking/recuperating.

Here comes my beef. We get days off like Columbus Day, a day when Columbus found something that wasn't even America, or maybe it's his birthday, who knows? The story has gone through the ages and has been lost in translation, well maybe that is just in my mind. Of course we get Christmas Day off because the real world believes families need to be together to open presents and hang out with weird family members. That's the reason, right? It can't be the reason to celebrate Christ's birth, right? Because if that was the case we are missing a day off. And that day is Easter Monday.

In my world, if a holiday falls on a Sunday we get that Monday off.  So imagine my surprise when in my first real world job (that I still attend, sometimes unwillingly) I told everyone on Good Friday I would see them Tuesday and they looked at me like I was crazy. "Wait. What? What do you mean we don't have Easter Monday off?" We already had to go into work for seven hours the Friday that Jesus was killed, then that Sunday when he came back from the dead we are busy going to church because are parents made us... hungover may I add, and then we eat a huge dinner like every other holiday. It's like they don't even give us a chance to process some kind of miracle of a man wearing a onesie, substitute footies for Birkenstocks rose from the dead. They expect us to go into work like it was just some regular weekend in June. I, like I'm sure most people need that Monday to process that whole weekend.

I've written letters about this atrocity to the White House, the Attorney General and have sent a couple to Santa (okay, I lied about Santa)

Nothing has happened. I know they are reading these letters of mine up in DC, because I'm 98% sure the White House address is 1600 Penn and while I don't know the Attorney General's address, who the actual AG is, or what it is an attorney of general does, yet those letters never get returned to me.

 I'm tired of having to repeat the same exact things every year at the beginning and end of Easter weekend... "Wait. We don't have off Easter Monday? Are you sure? I could have sworn we did last year."  Followed religiously (pun, kind of) by that Easter Monday in the office comment of "Why are we even fucking here? This is fucking ridiculous!"

Something needs to change. Call me a crusader, call me Joan of Arc, call me a woman who pushes needed change, I don't care. When I have a cause, I follow through.

Oh, we should probably find something to cure diabetes, AIDS and cancer too, but hey, one cause at a time.


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