
  • I received an Amber Alert* on my phone today. I'd appreciate it if my phone gave me  an alert when it is called off. Like, do I still have to look for a Blue Toyota 4Runner with the license plate starting with 6BUS8…? Because I've been doing so since September.**                                                                                                              
*They found the boy, his mom took him.                                                         
**4Runner kid…still looking…I think…I dunno... THEY NEVER LET ME KNOW

  • So on top of the fear of getting a high boarding zone number, a middle seat, and a 5 year old in the seat behind me, I now have to fear my flight just disappearing… Amelia Earhart style?

  • The drum solo in In the Air Tonight. I mean…that drum solo, though… 

  • If I could give any twenty-something who has newly joined the American workforce one piece of advice, it would be to make sure you give your mother your office phone number. You won't regret it. Ever. Never. Ever.

  • I have started to do this weird dance when I'm driving or sitting in my cubicle. It's like a cross between a horizontal worm and late 50s Elvis Presley pelvic thrusts , but only with the bottom part of my body. I want to try to incorporate kegels into it, but I'm still working on the technicalities of that. (video example soon to follow)

  • I ran over a squirrel today. It happened so fast, he came out of nowhere. There was nothing I could do. Well there is one thing I could have done, not look into the rearview mirror. If I hadn't done that maybe I wouldn't have cried for 23 minutes.  

  • I would like to see how successful Girl Scouts would be if they had to sell Joe Corbi's pizza or wrapping paper instead of delicious cookies. YOU'RE NOT LEARNING 5 SKILLS TO USE THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE, you are just feeding hungry adults who are addicted to delicious cookies. 

  • I moved my alarm clock across my bedroom to guarantee once I wake up in the morning I stay up. It didn't really work. Now I just get out of and then back into my bed 3 times (every 9 minutes) to hit the snooze button.

  • I've started write down words I hear or read. These are usually words I've heard before and through context clues I can get an idea of what they mean but would feel embarrassed that if asked, I couldn't define them. My favorites so far…fascism and fatwa.

  • I'm not angry that I wasn't born with dancing or rhythm skills, I thank God (sorta, still iffy on the God thing, I'm only on page 30 of God is Not Great, right now I'm at the point where I believe in both God and evolution) but I am PISSED that he decided to send me through the vagina canal without the talent of singing. I love singing.

  • I also love rapping songs that are "street cred" songs (i.e. Gettin' Jiggy Wit It, Gangsta's Paradise et. al)


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