Rants and Raves.

Yo, first off… Solange, Beyoncé and Jay-Z though? RAVE. Beyoncé stole that show. SASHA FIERCE? MORE LIKE SASHA FEARS! Boom. Here until death. 

What was that, though? I’ll tell you what it was. It was probably the best thing that will happen to me in the next two weeks. If didn’t know any better I’d think they were coming down from the 278th floor. That was the longest elevator ride ever. Things I learned from the video: 

1. Jay-Z is a true gentleman for not hitting back 
2. Beyoncé is scared of Solange 
3. I’m scared of Solange 

I’m a not member of the Church of Mr. & Mrs. Carter like the rest of the world seems to be, but I’m seriously looking into joining now. I AM BUYING ALL OF THEIR ALBUMS EVER RELEASED. Even Solange’s… JUST KIDDING SOLANGE! I WILL BUY YOURS FIRST, gurlllllll! Don’t hurt me. 

 Okay here we go rants and raves. 

I haven’t written any of them down, they’ve just been swirling in my head so, this post can go many ways, none of them I believe will be in a good way. Hmm, how should I do this? List rants then raves? Or just list whatever comes into my head be it rant or rave? Oh geez, these are the ramblings of someone in the middle of a crazy manic episode. Sorry you have to see this, or should I say…read this. God. I’m sorry. Okay let’s begin. 

RANT – Tori Spelling
Many of you know that I have given up reality TV, don’t watch any of it. Nope. Never again. There is no need to anyway, because I absorb myself in social media so I get the gist of what is happening on these shows that aren’t actually “reality.” Basically Tori has a show on Lifetime called TRUE TORI, her husband cheated on her and the aftermath of it is on the show. 
What possible logical reasoning could you come up with to film all that and have the world see your husband be a dick to you and from what I can infer from the articles I’ve read basically let him tell the 3,000 viewers that watch this show that your are horrible in bed. ( I don’t know if he said that, because I haven’t watched, but I’m pretty sure he probably said something like that because, well, you know, it’s Donna Martin) Are you really trying to save your marriage? I’ve never been married but I do have a B.A. in Psychology and I’m pretty sure you are going about it all wrong. Maybe try couples yoga? Couples hike? Divorce? I don’t know, I haven’t used my degree ever so…just some unsolicited useless therapy

RAVE – Solange, Beyoncé & Jay-Z, though!! 

The Mindy Project is my fave show on TV right now. It’s renewed for a third season* That season finale was one of my favorites EVER. It was so well written , so well played out. It was basically a rom-com movie in 22 minutes, hilarious and not corny in anyway. I don’t know what I have to do to get you to watch it. Do you want me to bleed? I’ll bleed if it will make you watch the show. 

*Small RANT- no thanks to the many of you that aren’t watching it. 
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! You’re missing comedic art. 
-Do you like romantic comedies? 
-Do you like just comedies? 
-Do you like Indian food? 
-Do you think Chris Messina is the best thing since you got your first cell phone and could stop calling home collect to get your parents to pick you up from school? 

If you answered yes to any of these, this show is for you
If you answered no to all of these, I hate you, but this show is for you 

RAVE... no RANT, no, no, uh RAN... NO, RAVE – George Clooney’s fiancée 
Her name is Amal Alamuddin … ohhhhhhh alliteration. I don’t know but for some reason every time I see her name I call her Anal Analmuddin…I like it a lot better. This is mean, I know. And no she’s never done anything to me for me to act like this but other people have been mean to me so this is the only way I can express my pain and anguish. 

 You guys, I will NEVER be okay with ABC canceling HAPPY ENDINGS. Hey, HEY... ABC! Did you get all you wanted out of those real cool shows you chose over HAPPY ENDINGS that you canceled after one season? Hmm? How'd that work out for you? MIXOLOGY (eww) and SUPER FUN NIGHT (sorry, Rebel, you're collateral damage right now) Nice job, dorks.   

If you are tired of hearing about me talk about the tragic, horrifying cancelation of HAPPY ENDINGS then stop reading this and get outta here. GO ON! GET! SCRAM! You are now officially blocked from this blog. Wait. I’M KIDDING. COME BACK! I NEED YOU FOR VIEW STATS! IT WAS A JOKE…… COME BACKKKKKK

Small Rave-
The only silver lining I have is that every single cast member will be starring on a TV show this coming 2014-2015 TV season. I swear if you guys don’t watch all of these shows (NEW GIRL, THE MINDY PROJECT, ONE BIG HAPPY, LONERS, BENCHED, & MARRY ME [side side RAVE: the trailer for this was released and this show looks great]) I will burn your house to the ground with your goldfish in it. 

RAVE – Solange, Beyoncé & Jay-Z, though!! 

You’re doing it NBC, you’re really doing it, you’re doing good things. You didn’t cancel PARENTHOOD you’re giving us a final season. That was touch and go for me this weekend, I thought you might and I had the plans mapped out to burn you to the ground, but you pulled through and I appreciate it. You’ve got THE MAYA RUDOLPH SHOW next Monday which should be a hoot. You’re giving beautiful, beautiful, let’s make oreos together David Walton a second season. You’re doing good things.. 

Small Rant
I’m mean NBC, my one problem with you is, I mean…like COMMUNITY? Like WTF? 

RAVE – Solange, Beyoncé & Jay-Z, though!! 

RANT – It’s hot. 
It’s like supes hot in LA today, supes. I’d rather be cold than hot, no no. I’d rather be hot than cold. No. Ugh. I don’t know which one. I don’t like being cold, but I don’t like being hot.

RAVE RAVE – Solange, Beyoncé & Jay-Z, though!!
WHAT DID HE DO?! Cut off Solange’s allowance? 

BONUS RAVE: Your pictures of your babies, children and engagements are supes cute and presh. SUPES. You keep doing you.


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