Harrison Ford, It's Your Fault

Hey ther-- wait, what is this? This feels weird. Blank page...blinking line...my fingers on the "home keys"

It's been a while.

You guys have no idea what a labor of love it was to find this. I forgot my password...blog url... name of this blog. 

Here are a few of the names I searched that I thought I had named this blog:
Are You Serious?
Is This a Joke
Being Super Serious
Life's A Joke
Life's Serious
You're a Joke
What's Your Life About
Go Home

After many "password incorrect" notices, and a few verification code texts sent to my phone...I was finally able to hop on to this bad boy.

I think this will now turn into a space where I just let it all out; the frustrations, the rants and the self righteous indignations of everything I believe. This blog will now be known as SERIOUS... HEART ATTACK SERIOUS

Let's goooooooooooo....

Ever since Harrison Ford crashed his plane way back when a few hours ago, my brain has been on overdrive with very opinionated, and at times ...super polarizing thoughts.

I didn't feel like I could convey them via tweet, because... this is already way over 140 characters. A 10,000 word Facebook status about my personal feelings that only 2% of my friends would enjoy and only because they'd feel obligated to support? I asked Mark Zuckerberg about it and he said no, that's not what Facebook is for. 

This was my only option. This space...my space (RIP, kinda, no really, you'll never be what you once were)

The main reason for urge to get this out into the world and let it stay there forever is this... 1999.

In 1999, Harrison Ford crashed his plane. 

I mean... you guys... COME ON! 

You crash a plane once?  Shame on me. 
You crash a plane twice? SHAME ON YOURSELF.

Why, Harrison? Why? 

I wholeheartedly believe this world we live in and this life with we were "gifted" with was not meant for to us to do something, crash, get back up, do it again and crash... yet again. 

The late great Aaliyah said it best in her song Try Again.... "If first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again"

Now, I know you are probably saying, "Hey, Chandra, you serious idiot... she was telling us to get back up on the saddle." And to that I say... YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING

If you listen closely after that line in the song you can hear her laughing saying "Hahahahahaha, don't try again, it's a one and done life, give it up." But you probably never heard it because you aren't a savant like I am.


I'm sure Harrison has flown planes many times and has only crashed these two times, but that one crash should have been it. NEVER TRY AGAIN AFTER YOU CRASH/BURN/FAIL or DIE.

My second beef with this historic plane is crash is this... Harry, you're 72... WHY ARE YOU STILL FLYING PLANES TO BEGIN WITH?! You're too old. When my mom was 72, she stopped driving at night because she knew her time had come to give it up and leave it to the younger generation.

Maybe Har-dawg, needs to have a sit-down with my mother and get some sense knocked into that crystal head skull of his.


Thirdly... the question on everyone's mind ... whether you think Harrison should have been flying or not, is this:


Where were you going Harrison? Why were you by yourself? Where was Calista? Why do I always confuse you, Kevin Costner, and Patrick Swayze? Why weren't you on a set somewhere shooting The Fugitive 2? Why didn't you tweet that you were taking the plane out for a Thursday fly? Why didn't you Instagram a shot of the cockpit before taking off? 

(hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahah.... COCK(pit))


Well that's it. I just had to get my feelings and opinions about this sensitive, touchy, WHITE AND GOLD situation out to as many people as possible, otherwise I would have exploded.... LIKE HARR-HARR's PLANE COULD HAVE DONE ... 

Be smarter H-Ford. This isn't AIR FORCE ONE, that is something that doesn't exist.

Disclaimer: at the time this was published, the Fordster was listed in moderate to stable condition in a hospital ... if he should succumb to some types of his injuries... I cannot be held accountable for the insensitivity, or "too soon-ness" of this post. He was FINE, when posted and also, I had to get this up ASAP because trending topics on the internet are transient.

Disclaimer 2: I realize it may have been inappropriate to discuss Aaliyah in a post about a plane crash.

Disclaimer 3: I realize that you may have not even put a connection to Aaliyah and this plane crash had I not just mentioned it in Disclaimer 2. 


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