“If we end up divorcing let’s be civil... for the children”
That was something I was going to say in a video I wanted to shoot
today but I don’t feel like making attempts to be funny …or showering
My mind has been consumed with thoughts since Friday night.
I don’t know Christina Grimmie’s music. I didn’t follow her when she
was on The Voice, I remember she was on The Voice though and I did think to
myself, “That’s weird she’s on The Voice. I thought she had already made it. What's she doing here on The Voice?"
Before she was just Selena Gomez she was Selena Gomez and the Scene and when they
were around I was deep into my Disney Channel addiction so I knew that
Christina Grimmie was touring with them, so I had just assumed she was in.
When Andy Lassner retweeted the news report that she was shot at HER own
concert and tweeted “WTF” I too said out loud… “WTF?!”
It reminded me of Selena… my Selena (I can call her that, I met her dad,
so) …she was shot and killed when she was 23. Both of them just like at the tip
of becoming what they were supposed to become. Just very senseless deaths… the
difference besides Christina’s just seeming utterly random and disturbed is
that Christina was literally in the middle of living her dream, like in that exact
moment when her life was taken away, living her dream. What. The. Actual. Fuck.
I really want to make note that Christina’s brother was a real hero and
definitely saved a bunch of lives by tackling the killer. Not taking out his
own gun and shooting him, but tackling him…
I do this thing now where I don’t watch Snapchats through the day, I
save them up and when I wake up I watch the stories. Sunday morning Snapchat
was the first app I opened. I went through my friends' and celebrities' I wish
were my friends stories and at the bottom is where the LIVE stories are at. And
the first story was title LA IS WITH ORLANDO. Immediately my mind went to
Christina than I thought no that couldn’t be it. Then as I closed the app and
made my way to Twitter I thought to myself “what the fuck did Orlando do now?”
And now we all know.
So here in no particular are my thoughts and questions that permeated
through all the anger in my mind all day Sunday except for 6 minutes when my
best friend’s kid FaceTimed me to tell me she made her T-ball All Star Team (because
she is seriously so fucking legit)
-You know what, maybe we should just get rid of Florida, make it, its
own country. It lives far away, it’s not related, it lifts right out. What a
horrible state it is. (says the girl from New Jersey)*
*okay this was my first thought
and granted it was unfair just because of a few bad seeds Florida has and by
few I mean like several thousands. I really do know amazing people who live in
Florida so I take back suggesting we build a wall around Florida. And I think Oprah should buy every single person who was standing in line to donate blood a car. Listen, we
all have thoughts that we think and know shouldn’t be put out in the world.
This one’s mine.
Okay, NOW in no particular order
-Oh look at these nice thoughts and prayers. They’re nice. Not really
doing anything to change. But hey…it’s nice. Funny story the definition of insanity is repeating...
-Is Trump being for realsies?
-Oh my God he is.
-Like can we just TRY something out?
-Do we/can we blame the senators who back in December voted AGAINST
blocking people on the terror watch list from buying guns for the 49 deaths in
Orlando? Dude bought his guns a week ago, if that bill was passed…
-So what? You just want to blow up the entire Middle East, or…?
-How does that stop the people born here from shooting up movie theaters,
clubs, colleges, malls and classrooms full of FIRST GRADERS?
Sure. America can’t ever have enough checkout lanes open at Target but
yeah they are definitely going to go door to door collecting your guns
-I have to throw out my water at the airport and buy a $6 one
because my water might be ……????????
-Someone on a no fly list for fear they
will hijack a plane or kill people on the plane can just go buy a gun and as
much ammunition as they want?
-You can’t blame an entire religion or race. You’re just asking to be
put in school history books as the 2nd coming of Nazi Germany
-I have no criminal history, if I was for some reason banned from
purchasing a gun, I would not have any idea how to get a gun. It seems
difficult, to me, a person with no criminal history. Do I just walk up to
someone who looks like a criminal and ask them if they are a criminal and if
they have a gun I can get?
-I’m almost done this tub of frosting its only 3 PM, I should have
bought two. Stupid, Chandra.
-A gay guy can’t give another gay guy blood? I don’t even—
-You can’t deport an American citizen.
-I personally would never feel safer with more guns around me.
-I personally would never feel safer if I had a gun. I’m not—I just... I
wouldn’t be good with a gun.
-I personally would feel safer if guns fingerprint activated, like our iPhones.
-Has anyone come up with that yet?
-I don’t hear anyone answering me.
-Patent pending.
- I'm all for security guards carrying guns.
-We have Air Marshals on planes why don’t we have Land Marshals on land? Or is that a thing already?
-Patent pending.
-Can we please just TRY something? If it doesn’t work, Fine. Cool. Let’s try
something else.
-Why was this guy refused when trying to buy body armor, but guns not a
-Is it not a red flag when someone wants to buy body armor?
-Why do I have so many gray hairs
-Where are they coming from?
-Why does anyone NEED a rifle for protection?
-I get wanting to protect yourself and your family but if you can’t
shoot a person down with a semi automatic pistol with a 12 round magazine, you
shouldn’t be in possession of a gun in the first place.
-You want to shoot a rifle and feel like Rambo? Great, go to a gun rage,
rent one and shoot it there.
-Why do I need references to rent an apartment but don’t need any
references to buy something that was MADE for killing? My apartment was not
made for killing, I could never kill you with my apartment… unless I lit it on
fire while you were in it, but I would never do that to you. I love you.
-You guys still keeping up with Steven Avery
-Stop promoting a ban so you make it seem like you would have been able to ban the guy who was born here. Not all Americans are stupid.
-Okay there’s over 1,000 people on terror watch list? Ban those 1,000 people
from buying guns.
-You don’t have enough man power to keep track of the people on the list?
Okay, so hire more fucking people. I’d pay more taxes if it was guaranteed to help
keep us safe.
-When people ask for a moment of silence now, during that moment what
are they thinking? Are they thinking “I wonder when the next moment of silence
is going to be”?
-Apple updates their stuff like twice a year to stay with the ever changing times. The Second Amendment hasn’t
been updated since 1791, so like... ever
-The solution will never be just black or white. It can’t be one way or
the other. It’s going to have to be gray to work.
-I found out what that falling dream is, it’s your mind literally
fighting between your waking state and your sleeping state
Every once in a while I wonder like why is it gun violence, Chandra?
Why is that the thing most important to you? And I answer myself because you
know I’M NOT CRAZY, and it’s always something like because it’s sad and
senseless. I literally just asked myself this again and like a fucking savant
it came me so clear and pretty in a nice wrapped box with a bow; I care so much
about this because the way we are going I know that I am inevitably going to be
personally affected by gun violence one day. I just know it. If we keep going like
this with no change happening… I mean…
You’re more likely to be affected by gun violence than you are to be
chosen for jury duty
-There’s a lot of toaster oven ads popping up on my social media. Did I
search for one in my sleep?
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