My Dream Jobs From Yonder...

These are some of the careers I have aspired to attain from ages 8 to 23

Supermarket Checkout Girl

There was nothing more fulfilling to me on those rainy days than grabbing all the cans and boxes out of the cabinets, taking the paper and plastics bags out of the closets and getting my Mom to give me twenty dollars in ones, fives, dimes, nickels, quarters and pennies.

There was something magical about the “beep” when the barcode and scanner met, the way you could pack a bag and make everything beautifully and perfectly fit. Even more magical? The fact that I was an only child and played not only the cashier, but the customer... that's called an imagination you people.


I thought I had this locked and this was going to be my future. I was sure of it. Why? Well because one Christmas instead of asking for materialistic things like a mall-wide gift card, laser hair removal and a Jeep Wrangler, I asked for LSAT classes. The single most expensive gift I have ever asked for and was 99% confident I would get.

Turns out taking those classes on Sundays your senior year in college and going with a killer hangover wasn’t going to bump up your LSAT score. Also, I hate confrontation and shake with fear in front of authority. A judge and opposing counsel? My clients would have never stood a chance.


I was in this only for the money, and thought I really had a shot when in 7th grade one of our teachers made us write to colleges we thought we may eventually want to attend. I wrote to John Hopkins and they wrote back. I mistakenly took this as acceptance and told people I wanted and was going to become a “brain surgeon.” This dream was destroyed after about a year when I had told an adult my aspiration and goal in life and they responded with “maybe you should use the right terminology before you tell people what you want to be. It’s neurosurgeon, if you were wondering.”

Luckily karma is really a bitch and this person died in a freak tobogganing accident two years later.*

I also had written to UNC and wrote something along the lines of “Mia Hamm went to UNC and that is pretty cool. I also love your school colors.” They never got back to me.

*The adult who called me out is still alive, that was only ironically, a dream I had.

The CEO of company like Enron

This dream started and stopped on the same day...


This dream career never actually really came to fruition, or pun intended, "took off." I just wanted to go to the Air and Space Museum. Never went, even when I lived in D.C. So forever in the back of my mind I will question whether or not I could have been in space or an expert/consultant on Howard Wolowitz’s career.


I used to love flying before I started doing it more than once a year. I thought it would be so cool to be up in the sky everyday, It’s always sunny somewhere and you are literally soaring through the clouds. I even liked the turbulence, it was like an amusement park ride. Now it’s just annoying, the children, the lines boarding and getting off. Also, my ankles swell up now and I get cankles and it takes a day for the swelling to go down. Ew.


  1. Wow! I can completely relate to you. There was time I wanted to be a doctor, then I wanted to serve my country in some manner, then I wanted to be an interior designer and now finally I have been going for LSAT Prep classes to become a lawyer. I don’t know what we do with our lives sometimes.


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