Random Googlings: Part 1

I’m not afraid of sharing my internet search history (between the hours of 9 AM and 2 PM).  Here are some of the things I have Googled of late:

signs that you are a sociopath - I often wonder if I'm a sociopath.  Traits include, narcissism, shallow emotions and impulsive nature, which are traits I possess proudly.  But since I've never wanted to kill an animal and play with its insides as a child, I’ve decided I’m not.

metamucil - I thought this was for old people, but recently, a blocked childhood memory came to surface where I remember my mom putting this tan/brownish powder in my orange juice every morning.  It was always too much, the texture of the juice became thicker, and there was a certain discoloration, and I could taste it.  This may explain my irregularity problems now as an adult.

teddy herpes 90210 – I read an article interviewing Trevor Donovan, who plays Teddy on 90210. He said that Teddy comes back to Beverly Hills to tell all his former lovers he has herpes.  A couple of days after the season finale, I realized, Teddy didn’t once mention to anyone he has herpes.  I went to the article again and read more than the first three sentences this time.  In the fourth sentence Trevor is quoted as saying “I’m joking.”

diagnois- I wanted to know how to spell diagnosis correctly.  Thanks Google!
reasons for short term memory loss at age 27 – This was initially going to be a different search but I forgot what I was going to search, which lead me to look for the reasons of short term memory loss.  I forget what the reasons were besides blunt force trauma and early onset Alzheimer’s.
2011 detroit tigers – Some guy I kind of dig, is a fan, and I wanted to make fun of him and the Tigers but I had to see how they performed last season compared to how the Phillies did.  I never mentioned anything to him.
french press – I was tired at 1 PM one day and realized I hadn’t had coffee in four hours, so I wanted to see what a French press was all about and if one could fit in my cubicle.  Clearly it can, in my head I had mixed up the picture of a French press with the picture of a printing press.  I also came to the conclusion that I would likely be exerting more effort using the press than taking the elevator up eight floors to the store.
can you die from drinking 3/4s of a diet coke that expired 12 years ago – Turns out you can’t, it just tastes really, really bad.
SIDENOTE:  to the person who wrote a question on Yahoo Answers asking what can happen if you drank a two week old can of diet coke and you proclaimed you were experiencing such symptoms as dizziness and stomach pains…quit it.  Let me direct you to my psycho-therapist.
amelia shepard – She’s a doctor on ABC’s Private Practice. I get a kick out of  two things.  Television characters that are drug addicts and watching interventions.  She had an intervention earlier in the season due to the fact that she was shooting up and snorting Oxys.   The episode was art.  Her and her junkie fiancé, Ryan decided to go to rehab, but did the rest of the Oxys they had left.  He overdosed and died.  Amelia went to rehab.  I stopped watching.  Turns out she was pregnant with Ryan’s baby.  The baby developed with no brain.  She delivered the baby in the season finale.   I was hoping the situation would be so traumatic she would relapse, so I searched to see if she did.  She didn’t.  Yet.
how to be sure you’re not a sociopath – After I searched to see if a person would relapse on prescription pills and was pulling for her to do so, I decided to explore this topic once again.
photos of zac efron – I mean.
is spitting on someone assault – I just want to know where I can draw the line.


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