I just need to say that many of you people (yeah I said you people) are looking at this Miley situation all wrong. No one is admitting that Miley has great taste in music, what are you ashamed to say it because she's a "Disney" chick? Was anyone even paying attention to it? I know I was, the song was the first thing I noticed, even before the enormous bong that was in her hand. Anyone who is playing ANY song from Bush's Sixteen Stone album is legit. GREAT SONG. Kudos to you Miley. But with Miley being the international phenom she is, she's getting slack for all the negative stuff going on in the video (i.e. the bong smoking, cursing, and bad tripping)... she can't be tamed... check out the video with a great soundtrack here... To nip this in the butt and avoid future issues, I've decided to give my unsolicted advice to some people involved in this situation... I can do this, I have a degree in Psychology....trust...